Who has the best family health insurance?
This is a very subjective question, as the best health insurance would depend on your family’s needs and budget. Different health insurance companies offer different coverage, as some are geared towards families and some are better for individuals. It is best to compare all the different health insurance options offered to you before selecting a plan.
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Are there specific plans for families with young children?
Yes, there are several plans available that cater to families with young children. These plans are available for either single parents or married couples.
The main aspect with family health insurance plans is that the co-pay is generally lower for the children than it is for the adult. For example, a well-child visit under this plan would usually cost $0 out of pocket. If there is a sick child visit, these plans also offer $0 co-pay up to age 4 and only $5 co-pay for ages 5 and up.
The reason for these discounts is to ensure the children are getting all the health care needs they require without the financial burden on the parents that would otherwise prevent the child from being seen by a health care provider.
Are there certain plans designed for women that are pregnant?
Many of the family plans offered by health insurance companies include provisions and benefits for women who are pregnant. These plans allow women to receive all their necessary prenatal care at their personal physician throughout the pregnancy at little or no out of pocket cost.
Through a pregnancy, women are required to see their OB/GYN physician at least once a month. With certain family plans, all of these visits will be covered in full by the health insurance company.
In addition, certain medications such as pre-natal vitamins are available to pregnant women with no co-pay.
When it comes time to deliver the baby, most of the family health insurance plans will cover all the costs associated with the delivery and care of the mother and newborn. These costs can be quite substantial, so it is important to make sure your insurance company covers these costs if you cannot to afford to pay them yourself.
I don’t have a job. Can I still get family health insurance?
Yes, there are many state and federally sponsored health care plans that allow individuals who do not have a job or do not have insurance company through their employer.
For example, New York State offers Child Health Plus and Family Health Plus. These two different health insurance plans give families the opportunity to have health insurance coverage no matter what their employment status is.
These health insurance plans do have a cost associated with them, but it is based on your total family income. For example, Child Health Plus can range in cost from $60 a month per child to being completely free for each child. A family of four with a weekly income of less than $700 is eligible to receive Child Health Plus at no cost.
Family Health Plus is available to adults from the age of 19 up to 64 who do not have health insurance through their employer but who have a total family income that is too high for Medicaid.
Will a family insurance plan help save on insurance costs?
Yes, many of the family health insurance plans that are available offer discounted prescription medication programs. These plans offer medications for certain prices, depending on what type of medicine is prescribed. Often times, the co-pay for these medications can be $10 or less.
In addition, there can be substantial savings on prescription medications if you choose a generic brand rather than a brand name medication. In most cases, the generic brand contains the same active ingredients as the brand name but at a substantial savings.
Can I choose my own doctor if I am on a state health insurance plan?
Yes, you can usually pick the doctor that you want as long as he or she is considered “in-network.” An in-network physician already has a professional relationship with the insurance company, and therefore can easily bill for services rendered.
This is also beneficial for the insurance company in that the company knows what the physician will charge for services. An “out-of-network” physician does not have a relationship with the health insurance company and therefore cannot provide services to patients under the insurance plan.
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