Will my child need college student health insurance?
Your child may not need college student health insurance, especially if they are on your policy. If your child does not have any type of coverage, a college plan or some type of short-term policy may be an alternative to nothing at all. Rather than place the family bank account in a financial sinkhole, a college student health insurance plan may be worth it.
Online health insurance rates are available to you today, with just your zip code to start the process.
Students are at an age when their health is their greatest asset, and this is the last thing they tend to worry about. On the other hand, responsible parents will consider the prospect of accidents and sudden illnesses. These parents instill the importance of covering yourself just in case.
If your employer does not offer any type of coverage, student health insurance plans will cover your child’s basic needs. These plans are not really expensive when you look at what the plan encompasses. The average cost of this type of health insurance is $16 to $20 dollars per month.
What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?
PPACA or the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed in March of 2010 by the Obama Administration to help families that may not be able to afford basic healthcare. This plan allows college students to stay on the family plan until age 26 or until they are gainfully employed with health insurance benefits offered through the job.
What is included in a college student health insurance plan?
College student insurance plans are commonly set up in agreement with major health organizations or providers. HMO’s, which are health maintenance organizations, and PPO’s or Preferred Provider Organizations may create a limited list of accessible providers. In order to get the least expensive rates available, your child must visit network providers, which can be a problem for students out of state.
There may not be network providers in their area depending on where they attend school.
These types of plans are mainly designed to cover accidents, with a limited amount of major medical. They will cover around 80% of emergency room visits, surgeries, and dental, but will only cover 20% of the cost of anesthesia for instance.
Your deductible may be around $250 or more, with co-payments required for doctor visits. According to some, college insurance plans do not cover much, and the maximum amount of coverage is not comparable to a more comprehensive health insurance plan. For this reason, Kiplinger’s suggests that the parents carry a more complex plan for the family.
How can I save on a college student health insurance plan?
There are several ways to avoid the high cost of health insurance coverage, and one of the more common and instant ways to decrease the cost is to increase the deductible, and pay the annual premium in advance. You can also take advantage of some the discounts offered by your carrier such as prescription, vision, and dental rates. Non-smokers also save on health insurance premiums.
What are some other alternatives to college student health insurance plans?
Some alternatives to student health insurance plans are just as effective as those offered by many colleges and universities. Many are even more competitive with the inclusions they offer. These are privately owned providers who create their own network.
These alternative college student insurance providers recognize the nontraditional student. They include plans with such services as:
- Pregnancy
- Spousal Care
- Substance Abuse
- Mental Illness
- Prescription Drug
They also offer more flexible payment plans and deductibles, as well as preventative care, which are not always offered by traditional college student plans.
Another inclusion not usually offered by traditional plans is travel options. Therefore, if you or your student decides to study in the South of France, you have more choices. You can get up to $50,000 in assistance plus the common emergency services.
Where can I find some of these alternatives to college student health insurance plans?
Keeping in step with more global options, the Internet offers online college student options for health insurance. Most communication is done online and you have a wider network of providers. The problem is the number of providers in a more concentrated area.
If you are a student miles away, and on your parent’s plan, discount options may be an alternative for you. Rather than go all the way home for a regular cleaning, a good discount dental plan may be an option. Similar vision plans are also available for as little as $20. More information is available when you get an online quote for your coverage.
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