Category: FAQ
Is a children’s health insurance plan nec...
If your child is not covered by your health insurance policy or you do not have insurance, you may want to invest in a policy. Children w...
Is it smart to look for a discount health insur...
Everyone is looking for health insurance cheap – and better coverage too. The truth is you may not be able to find a plan that offe...
How has the evolution of health insurance compa...
The biggest way that the evolution of health insurance companies has progressed is that there are a lot more health insurance options. No...
Do health insurance companies drug test their p...
Health insurance companies do not normally drug test their policyholders. In fact, health insurance policies often do not require much te...
Do health insurance companies share information...
Even the top health insurance companies can and do share information about their clients at times. They also get information about their ...
Are there any discount health insurance companies?
Despite what you may have heard, there are no discount health insurance companies. Giving a discount implies the same goods or services p...
Why do quotes from different health insurance c...
Health insurance quotes from various companies can be drastically different, as you may have noticed, due to the way premiums are calcula...
Can I find just dental health insurance companies?
If your employer sponsored health plan does not combine dental and health insurance coverage, it is possible to purchase your own plan th...
Are some known corrupt health insurance compani...
Health insurance companies are looking to make a profit. In order to do that, some companies take extreme measures and place loopholes in...
Where can I compare long term health insurance ...
Knowing where and how to compare long term care health insurance companies doesn’t have to be difficult. It can be time consuming, but it...
What are the most common health insurance compa...
The most commonly used health insurance companies in the United States really depend on what you are looking for specifically. If popular...
What are some commercial health insurance compa...
Commercial health insurance is another term for private health insurance or any health insurance company that is for profit and is not ma...