Category: Obamacare

What does “underwriting” mean in health insurance?
“To sum it up…” Underwriting is a practice that screens applicants for insurance for risks The use of medical underwrit...

Is it too late to sign up for healthcare?
“To sum it up…” Open enrollment for 2017 does not end until January 31st Most states permit your coverage to begin the ...

What is a health insurance cooperative?
“To sum it up…” Health insurance cooperatives are consumer-owned businesses that provide health insurance and managed h...
Who qualifies for medicare coverage under Obama...
“Here’s what you need to know…” style=”default”] Medicare has several parts: Part A, Part B, and Part D. Th...
What health insurance is considered affordable ...
“Here’s what you need to know…” style=”default”] Obamacare imposes limits on the amount of annual income pe...
Who is considered eligible for medicaid under O...
“Here’s what you need to know…” style=”default”] Medicaid is a program that provides health insurance to ce...
Is there maternity coverage under ObamaCare?
“Here’s what you need to know…” style=”default”] Maternity care is considered an essential health benefit. ...
How are pre-existing conditions covered under O...
“Here’s what you need to know…” style=”default”] Obamacare prevents insurers from using pre-existing condit...
What impact will ObamaCare have on medicare?
“Here’s what you need to know…” style=”default”] What impact will ObamaCare have on Medicare? Obamacare str...
Who will be fined under ObamaCare?
“Here’s what you need to know…” style=”default”] A major component of ObamaCare is the individual mandate. ...
Does COBRA insurance still exist under ObamaCare?
“Here’s what you need to know…” style=”default”] COBRA benefits continue under Obamacare COBRA coverage sat...