Category: Uncategorized

Medical Insurance for Toddlers
“To sum it up…” Your children are eligible to stay on your health insurance plan until they reach the age of 26 If you ...

Is eye care covered by health insurance?
“To sum it up…” Some health insurance plans available through the healthcare exchange marketplace include vision covera...

How do I know if my health insurance is ACA com...
“To sum it up…” In order for your health insurance to be compliant with the Affordable Care Act, it must cover the 10 e...
Health Insurance Once You Turn 26
“To sum it up…” You can stay on your parents’ insurance until you are 26 Once you turn 26, you need to find your ...
When are my employers required to provide healt...
“Here’s what you need to know…” style=”default”] The Affordable Care Act requires companies with fifty or m...
Why do you need health insurance?
“Here’s what you need to know…” style=”default”] The Individual Mandate of the Affordable Care Act requires...