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Mutual of Omaha Health Insurance Company

When looking for health insurance, going with a reputable company, such as Mutual of Omaha Health Insurance Company, can give you confidence that all your needs will be met. Choosing a well known, respected company with a proven track record is one way to be sure your health insurance company will be there when most needed.

You will still want to compare your options, but if those options are financially secure and respected companies then you are off to a good start. Mutual of Omaha Health Insurance Company has a rich history and a variety of plans for members to choose from.

Read through this Mutual of Omaha review, browse through the customer reviews of Mutual of Omaha Insurance left at the bottom of this page, and then compare quotes from many different health insurance companies by using the free tool on the side of this page.

Mutual of Omaha: History

Mutual of Omaha was started in 1909. The beginning was not easy. The founder of the company needed to find 250 people willing to pay for their policy and then wait until all 250 people were signed up and paid before their policies could take effect. Finding this many people to trust in a start up business was difficult, but successful. After 10 months of door to door requests, 250 applicants were found and the company was established.

Mutual of Omaha Insurance Products

It is this kind of persistence that has caused Mutual of Omaha to grow into one of the largest health insurance providers in the country. In addition to health insurance, the company also offers other types of insurance as well as financial products such as life insurance, banking services, annuities, and retirement plans. This portfolio of products, along with a century of consistent service, is part of what gives this provider a solid reputation in both industries.

Medicare Supplemental Insurance

The products offered from Mutual of Omaha for health insurance are offered to individuals and employers. For individuals, the first product offered is Medicare Supplement Insurance. This plan was designed to help fill in the gaps left by Medicare coverage providing more coverage and less out of pocket expense for seniors. A supplemental plan also gives you the freedom to choose your own doctors and hospitals. Mutual of Omaha’s supplemental plans can be basic or comprehensive depending on the health needs of the individual.

Long Term Care Insurance

The second health insurance plan offered for individuals is long term care. It is hard to imagine needing this type of coverage when you are healthy, but paying for long term care can wipe out your savings or retirement fund, if you don’t have long term care insurance. Long term care coverage covers anything from in home meal services to full time nursing home care. Considering that the average cost of a year stay in a nursing home is $65,000, long term care makes since.

Disability Income Insurance

The third health insurance plan offered for individuals is disability income insurance. As its name implies, this type of insurance provides income should a disability that prevents work take place. Having this type of coverage will ensure that you don’t lose your home, fall into bankruptcy, or lose your standard of living should an unexpected disability take place. This type of coverage is especially important if there is only one person providing income for an entire family. Mutual of Omaha offers short term or long term disability income coverage.

Critical Illness Insurance

The fourth type of health insurance coverage for individuals is critical illness insurance. This type of coverage pays one lump sum if you are diagnosed with a critical condition or illness. No one likes to think of this happening, but a sudden critical illness can drain the family’s resources and add additional stress to an already stressful situation. Critical illnesses covered under the plan are heart attack, life threatening cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, major organ transplant, multiple sclerosis, paralysis, kidney failure, blindness, or deafness. There are certain qualifications within each of these conditions that must be met.

Group Disability Insurance

For employers, Mutual of Omaha offers coverage as well. The first type of coverage offered for employers is disability insurance. This type of coverage is a good way to retain employees, especially if your business requires employees to be in dangerous situations. Coverage is available in short term, long term, or voluntary coverage. Employers can choose to pay the entire amount of coverage or share the cost with employees.


The next type of coverage available to employers is DentaBenefits. This is a dental insurance program that offers one of the largest dental networks in the United States. Coverage is provided by over 65,000 dentists in 120,000 locations. Employers can design the plan and determine the eligibility of employees and their dependents. There is a yearly evaluation available so if employees aren’t satisfied with some benefits, they can be changes.

Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance

The final type of health coverage offered to employers is Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance. This plan covers death and dismemberment through air bags, air travel, common accidents, daycare accidents, exposure, felonious assault, and disappearance. Survivors are entitled to educational expenses, daycare expenses, and other monetary benefits.

Compare Mutual of Omaha Health Insurance Quotes

As you can see, Mutual of Omaha is a company with a century of experience and a wide variety of products. Deciding if this company is right for you or your employees can be done by comparing quotes from many top companies. You can use the comparison tool on this page right now to compare rates and quotes from top companies to see what company works best for you. Get started today!