In preparing this National Automobile and Health Insurance Company review, we were unable to find any insurance entity bearing the name National Automobile and Health Insurance Company. However, we did uncover a now defunct entity under the name National Automobile and Casualty Company operating in the state of California until 2009. The company was a wholly owned subsidiary of the Missouri Physicians Group Holding Company. Neither is still in business.
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In 2002, the state of California undertook a standard audit and review of National Automobile and Casualty Company. Based on what the review revealed the company was deemed no longer viable as an insurance operation and forced into conservatorship by state regulators. The financial records of the company were so convoluted the state was forced to use a balance sheet from 2001 to get a handle on matters. Those records revealed roughly $2 million in assets and a policy surplus of zero.
The conservatorship eventually turned into full liquidation when it became apparent to California regulators that the company probably would not be able to emerge in a healthy state. The liquidation began in the late spring of 2002 and was ongoing through 2009.
National Automobile and Casualty Company Demise
It’s not clear what caused the demise of National Automobile and Casualty Company, but part of it might be the poor health of its parent company, Missouri Physicians Group Holding Company. That company underwent a similar standard audit in 2009 whereupon it voluntarily went into liquidation when the results of that audit were released.
The state of Missouri issued a scathing report after completing the audit and demanded that the company take certain remedial steps to correct its issues. It was at that time that Missouri Physicians Group Holding Company opted for liquidation.
It’s also not clear what happened to the other companies who were subsidiaries of Missouri Physicians Group. It is assumed all of them either entered liquidation themselves or were sold to other investors. Regardless, prior to the downfall of this company and its subsidiaries they offered several different lines of insurance including automobile, homeowners, boat, motorcycle, and health. They were one of the few companies in the nation that offered health insurance along with the rest of the standard lines.
National Automobile and Casualty Company Claims
According to records from both California and Missouri, all outstanding claims have been settled satisfactory. No new policies were written after 2009; those in force at the time were honored until their expiration date. It appears at this time that the proceedings against both National Automobile and Casualty Company and Missouri Physicians Group are now winding down with assets being sold and creditors being paid off.
Customers who believe they still have a claim against either company should file such a claim with the appropriate state. Although the deadlines for claims have long passed, some claims can still be granted on a special basis as deemed worthy by regulators.
You can find information about where to file the claim by doing an Internet search on either company name. For the purposes of this review, we found one website established by the state of California and another one from the state of Missouri. Both websites included contact information with phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
National Automobile and Casualty Company Locations
National Automobile and Casualty Company was headquartered in San Francisco, California. Their products were primarily sold in that state even though they worked in conjunction with other subsidiaries in the overall business of Missouri Physicians Group. In all likelihood, they did not have any regional offices or local locations beyond their San Francisco headquarters. Their parent company was also probably limited to the offices of their individual subsidiaries.
National Automobile and Casualty Company Agents
Missouri Physicians Group and National Automobile and Casualty Company probably utilized some local agents for their automobile and homeowners’ policies. It’s highly unusual for a company offering such insurance to do so without agents. However, that is speculation that has not been verified. It is possible they could have worked without agents in a direct-to-customer arrangement. As for their health insurance, it was more than likely offered on a group basis to employers, trade organizations, and other types of groups.
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