North American Elite Health Insurance Company
Based in Schaumburg, Illinois, the North American Elite Health Insurance Company is a subsidiary of the NAS Surety Group Commercial markets division. Along with the Washington International Insurance Company and the North American Specialty Insurance Company, the North American Elite Insurance Company, are all under the umbrella of the NAS Surety Group. NAS Surety Group is an affiliate of NAS Insurance Group, and all of the companies are part of Swissre, one of the largest re-insurers in the world.
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There are several products offered by the North American Elite Insurance Company, but none of them is any type of health or medical insurance products. Along with its sister companies, the North American Elite Insurance Company offers mainly commercial, contract and United States custom bonds.
Individuals or companies that are searching for health, medical and dental insurance must contact a different carrier for coverage or additional information.
North American Elite Health Insurance Company Locations
The corporate office of North American Elite Insurance Company is located in Illinois, and there are an additional twelve regional offices located throughout the country. Offices are located in:
- California
- Georgia
- North Carolina
- Virginia
- Iowa
- Colorado
- Texas
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Massachusetts
On the NAS Surety Group website, there is a complete listing of the physical address, phone number, main administrative contact (all of which are Vice Presidents) and their individual and direct email address.
There are also three commercial surety offices that are part of the NAS Surety Group. These offices are located in the states of Illinois, California, and North Carolina.
The main toll free telephone number for the North American Elite Insurance Company is 1-800-338-0753, and individual numbers for each of the regional fifteen different offices are also located on the NAS Surety Group website.
However, since the North American Elite Insurance does not offer health insurance, none of the regional offices can assist customers with health insurance products.
North American Elite Health Insurance Company Products
North American Elite Insurance Company does not offer any individual or corporate health insurance. In fact, the company does not offer any type of insurance product for individuals.
North American Elite Insurance Company offers specialty insurance as a re-insurer, offering:
- Various coverage for different bond types
- Bond verification
- Insurance coverage for large transportation vehicles, such as planes and commercial boats
- Entire claims investigation division
North American Elite Health Insurance Company Reviews
The North American Elite Insurance Company is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and the BBB does not have enough information to give North American Elite a letter grade. This is most likely because North American Elite is a specialty company and most of the businesses that insurance with them are private companies that do not utilize the Better Business Bureau.
A.M. Best Company has rated The North American Elite Insurance Company as A (Excellent), and has also earned a financial outlook of stable outlook. In addition, The North American Elite Insurance Company has a long-term issuer credit rating of A+.
There are no individual reviews of the North American Elite Insurance Company because the company does not offer insurance to consumers.
North American Elite Insurance Company Careers
The North American Elite Insurance Company does not have a specific website or information available online for job searchers. However, the NAS Surety Group homepage has a career page where people interested in applying for and obtaining a position can look for career opportunities. In addition, the NAS Surety Group website has information about the companies that are part of the group as well as specific employee benefit information.
For a complete list of open positions, there is an up-to-date listing of jobs, as well as all the information necessary to apply for the job, such as the recruiters contact information, phone number and email address. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the NAS Surety Group recruiter directly.
The job postings have complete educational and experience requirements, as well as a detailed explanation of the roles and responsibilities of the open position, as well as the reporting structure that is in place. The page that lists all the employee benefits has information on the different options available such as:
- Health insurance
- 401(k) plans
- Paid time off
- Vacation
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