Tag: health insurance law
Medical Insurance Is a Waste of Money
“To sum it up…” Medical care costs far more in the US than in comparable societies around the world Medical insurance c...

What is the definition of “minimum value standa...
“To sum it up…” The Affordable Care Act reformed health insurance coverage in favor of consumers The Act requires every...

How do you prove you have health insurance?
“To sum it up…” The Forms 1095-A, B and C show proof of essential health insurance coverage but only the 1095-A needs t...

What is unconstitutional about the Affordable C...
“To sum it up…” Opponents of the Affordable Care Act claimed the individual mandate was an unconstitutional overreach o...

How does the government verify that you have he...
“To sum it up…” Asking if you have health insurance on your tax return is one method of verification The government wil...

How long can you stay on your parents’ health i...
“To sum it up…” The Affordable Care Act allows children to stay on their parent’s health plans until age 26 Child...

How to Check if Your Health Insurance Is Active
“To sum it up…” It is absolutely vital that you know whether your policy is active or not You can figure out if your po...

How do you get a life and health insurance lice...
“To sum it up…” Every state in America has its own requirements that must be met before a license will be approved to s...

How to Sue My Health Insurance Company
“To sum it up…” Begin the process by filling a formal appeal of the decision issued by the health insurance company Con...

How to Complete a Health Insurance Claim Form 1500
“To sum it up…” There are two primary ways of submitting a health insurance claim: online and by mail Begin by obtainin...