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What are some of the best health insurance companies?

middle aged couple seek best health insuranceIn order to determine what the best health insurance companies are, you must also be aware of the worst health insurance companies. This way you can be knowledgeable when shopping for health insurance.

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Not all health insurance companies are offered in the state that you reside, so it is important to learn the best companies within your area. You should also know that your medical and financial needs may be different from someone else, so you should consider this as well when reviewing the following article.

What are the worst health insurance companies?

To truly educate yourself on the best health insurance companies, you need to know the worst health insurance companies, also. According to the American Association for Justice, the worst insurance companies received this name due to denying claims, raising premiums, and denying insurance coverage to individuals. Some of the worst health insurance companies include:

What are the best health insurance companies in the northeast?

Since health insurance companies differ throughout the country, the best way to find the best company in your area is to break it down by region. All companies were graded on their:

According to J.D., if you live in the New England area, your best choice for health insurance is going to be Harvard Pilgrim Health Care.

However, if you live in New York or New Jersey, your best bet for health insurance is going to be the Independent Health Association.

Pennsylvania residents should try to get coverage from UPMC health care which provides services through hospitals, physicians and is all run within conjunction of the University of Pittsburgh.

Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C. residents ought to look into Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, which received top ratings from J.D. Power, also.

West Virginia residents can obtain the best coverage from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of the Mountain States.

What about the southern states?

The southern states all determined that Blue Cross and Blue Shield was the number one insurance company of the south. These include:

However, residents of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina received the best medical health care from Kaiser Foundation Health Plan.

What about the Southwestern states?

Southwestern states such as Texas and Arkansas determined that both Aetna and Blue Cross and Blue Shield could provide exceptional coverage and service to its policyholders.

Oklahoma chose Health Care Services Incorporated as their health insurance providerof choice.

Arizona deemed SelectHealth to be the best insurance provider in the area, whereas New Mexico’s Presbyterian Health Plan Incorporated is their choice.

California determined that Kaiser Foundation Health Plan provided the best overall service to its residents.

What about the Midwest states?

If you live in the Midwest states such as Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska or Kansas you should try to obtain coverage from Blue Cross and Blue Shield, as they were the J.D. Power award recipient for that area of the country.

What about the Northwestern states?

Northwestern states like Utah felt that SelectHealth was the best health insurance provider in the area.

Colorado voted Kaiser Foundation Health Plan to be the best health insurance company in that particular state.

Idaho, Oregon, and Washington all chose Group Health Cooperative as their number one choice for health insurance.

North Dakota residents benefit from the Nordian Mutual Insurance Company for coverage and South Dakota residents prefer Wellmark of South Dakota, Inc.

Minnesota and Wisconsin voted Dean Health Insurance for their favorite health insurance provider.

Nevada’s number one health insurance provideris the Health Plan of Nevada.

Montana and Wyoming residents prefer Blue Cross and Blue Shield for their health care coverage.

What about the north central states?

Michigan claims that Health Alliance Plan provides the best insurance coverage to its policyholders, whereas Medical Mutual of Ohio met the insurance needs of the residents of Ohio.

What about Alaska and Hawaii?

Hawaii residents believe that the Hawaii Medical Service Association provides the best health care coverage to its residents whereas Alaska voted for Blue Cross Blue Shield for the best health care coverage.

How else can I find the best health insurance company?

If you are looking to buy the best insurance policy in your area, you can review the company’s satisfaction ratings online at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners website.  Simply input the company name to review all of the company complaints, licensing, and financial information on file.

A.M. Best also rates insurance companies as far as their current and future financial stability.

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